Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sundays in My City: A Ride Through Veldhoven

The ever mysterious Unknown Mami has started hosting a Sundays In My City feature on her blog and I'm planning on trying to participate at least semi-regularly. It's a fun feature and you can explore little corners of the world you might not see otherwise!

This Sunday in My City is actually "Sunday in my neighboring city that's really closer than some parts of the actual city I'm living in." Whew, say that three times fast!!

Here are some shots I took on a bike ride with Martijn through a section of the city of Veldhoven, in The Netherlands.

I liked the little balcony on this house. I think I'd sit out there and read a book if I lived there. I'd probably have to rig up some sort of chair umbrella though.

House in Veldhoven

This is a sign from a furniture store. I thought it was neat looking.

Furniture Store Sign

I liked the sewing machine shop sign! The machine shop is next to an Asian restaurant and has what I assume to be apartments above the stores.

Picture 2651

Unfortunately, this picture turned out a bit blurry, but I liked the colors so I'm posting it anyways! It's a garden center. During the holiday season they sell lots of cool Christmas stuff, so we like to go there and check it out. It's where I bought the pine branches for my Christmas centerpiece last year.

Picture 2652

I'm really mostly posting this picture because I took it while in motion and was rather impressed that I managed to not maim myself or others in the process. The "action" setting on my camera seems to do an alright job of things!

Picture 2654

I find it really interesting that Eindhoven and Veldhoven are within spitting distance of each other, yet the architecture of the houses has very distictive differences.

Picture 2657

That's it for this week's installment of Sundays In My City! Join in by clicking the button below.

Unknown Mami
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