Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday Fragments- August 14, 2009

It's Friday and that means it's Freewrite and Fragment time! Thanks to Mrs 4444 of Half Past Kissin Time and Sara at Ordinary and Awesome for hosting the fun each week.

I went and picked raspberries on Tuesday. I was going to make jam with them, but then I ate too many and there wasn't enough left. Or maybe there was and I was just enjoying eating them too much to bother with it.

Raspberry Fields

I bought a Picnik premium account a couple weeks ago and I can't decide if I'm happy or having buyers remorse. I like the features it has, but it's been buggy and annoying and generally is ticking me off. It does have a lot more features than Picasa, but Picasa doesn't break every 12 seconds... and it's free. I'm not giving up yet, but I'm sortof wishing that I'd just splashed out on the 3 month plan instead of the year plan.

I love my new bike. I ended up swapping the new seat for the squeaky one on my old bike since it was made for bigger bums and it more comfy.

Check out my Daring Cooks challenge post. It's a Spanish recipe for rice with seafood and artichokes.

I finally saw Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I got a ride to the theatre so I wouldn't have to cycle through the rain. Only it didn't start raining until AFTER the movie when I needed to walk to the bus stop. I would've gotten home faster and less wet if I'd just cycled in the first place. I can't stay dry in this dang country no matter what I try.

HOPEFULLY I will be going to get my magic orange sewing machine this weekend. The lady isn't the worlds greatest communicator though, so I'm still waiting on her to get back with me. I hope this deal doesn't fall through, I'll be sad sad sad if it does.

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Friday Fragments? is the Chronicles of My Ordinary and Awesome Life, Family, and Thoughts. is the Mostly Wordless Wednesday headquarters as well as the home to several original awards and memes.
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