Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday Fragments- August 21, 2009

Fridays Fragments & Freewrites are brain dumps. Bits and pieces of the week that you haven't otherwise mentioned. Strange thoughts that come to you while you're in the shower. Odd things that happen to you on the street. They can be completely random and unrelated and that's why I loooove them. It's easier for me to write about things in short sentences or paragraphs than trying to write an entire post. What can I say? It's because I'm lazy.

My in-laws came over for dinner tonight. I made the Rice with Mushrooms, Seafood, and Artichokes along with some zucchini bread before. You should've seen my mother-in-laws face when I told her it was courgettecake. I think she was convinced I had tried to pull a fast one on her! I'm glad I can share amazing things such as zucchini bread with them.

On Wednesday morning I got up before the crack of dawn to ride to Germany with one of the ladies from the NAWC. We were taking some friends of hers to an airport to pick up a rental car. You'd think, why not just rent a car in The Netherlands? Apparently, they saved €500 ($715-ish) by crossing the border! Anyhow, after we dropped them off we went to a little cute place called Kevelaer to do some grocery shopping. German grocery stores have a way bigger selection of a lot of things so it was fun to poke around and see what we could find. I bought some Schwip Schwap (orange flavored cola) for Martijn and a couple of food mixes and some guacamole seasoning for myself.


After the fun in Germany, I had to make a not as fun trip to the doctor to get moles removed. It didn't hurt, but they burned the one on my armpit off and that did not smell nice (the burning mole, my armpit smelled just fine thank you very much). I always seem to have mole-regret after I get moles removed because my body parts never look quite right afterwards. They put them in little jars which -I- then had to deliver to the lab myself. I'm not sure what's worse... carting my moles along on my bike, or the pee jars!

You know how after you say a word several times in a row it stops sounding like a word? I'm feeling that way about mole right now.

Orange Sewing Machine Lady flaked on me, and so I was feeling cross and grumpy and put out. She did e-mail me late the night we were supposed to meet, but I've been pouting about it and haven't responded. My mom told me to e-mail her back because it was stupid not to get it because I was mad. She's right, but I'm still mad.

After writing about Picnik last week and the problems I had been having, it seems to be behaving a little better. It doesn't like to do more than about 4 or 5 pictures on Nettie before it starts flipping out and making me restart Firefox, but it's not having the weird unfixable errors like it was having before. This is good news!

It was STIFLINGLY hot yesterday. Being from the desert, I can handle the heat... but this humidity is ridiculous. It was making me long for nice cool airconditioned spaces. It's usually about 10-15 degrees cooler in the basement where our storage closet is. I've considered on more than one occasion running a really really long CAT5 cable out the window and down into that room so I could just hang out there. I've not completely discounted it as being an option in the future.

I've had several people ask about the crockpot salsa chicken recipe. It's so simple I'm almost ashamed. Toss your chicken in the crock, dump in a jar or two of salsa (I wouldn't use fresh since you're cooking it all day anyways), and half a block of cream cheese. Cook on low 6 hours, then toss in a can of corn and a can (or equivalent) of black beans. Cook another hour or so and there you go. I like making it with leg quarters since I prefer the flavor of the dark meat, but that's a little messier than if you make it with breasts.

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Friday Fragments? is the Chronicles of My Ordinary and Awesome Life, Family, and Thoughts. is the Mostly Wordless Wednesday headquarters as well as the home to several original awards and memes.
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