Monday, August 10, 2009

Menu Plan Monday- August 10, 2009

There weren't any deviations from the menu plan last week, so I'm pretty happy about that. The experimental crockpot chicken was good, in case you were worried.

click the banner and "Menu Plan Monday" for more menu planning ideas

Farm-Style Green Beans, Chard and Chicken Schnitzel

Squash Chili- This calls for yellow sqaush, which doesn't seem to exist in this country... but we have a zucchini the size of my arm from the in-laws garden, so I think we'll be okay there!

Potato, Green Bean, and Tuna Salad

Blueberry Pancakes

Lemon Chicken and Fried Rice- I picked up a lemon sauce thingie from the Oriental store, so hopefully it's good!
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