Friday, August 07, 2009

Friday Fragments- August 7, 2009

The melons this year have been fantastic. Sometimes you get them and they're flavorless and blah, but this year they are GOOD!

We were watching Mythbusters and Martijn commented that he didn't like the "new voiceover" guy. I had to break it to him that the "new" guy was actually the original guy. For some reason, Discovery Channel does different voiceovers for Europe and America but this new seasons episodes have the American voiceover guy.

One of my recipes was featured over on Meatless Monday.

Martijn likes weird music. Imagine Madonna... only to polka music. I'm not kidding. Though, I will admit to liking the GreenDay bluegrass covers.

Tomorrow will be a day of errands and more bicycle repair. We get to take the sprocket off of Martijn's bike and replace it. I'm optimistic that it will go smoothly, but don't be surprised if you start seeing some blue air around the Eindhoven region. You might want to plug your ears if you have a nervous constitution.

I HATE WORD VERIFICATION! I don't often post comments on blogs that have word verification on. I really really dislike it.

While we're on the subject of blog comments, I really hate it when I get a comment from a fellow Blogger user and I try to reply to it via e-mail and get the EVIL e-mail address. It makes me cry. Here's how you can fix it.

I got my organization project done this week. I'm so impressed with myself.

I am ALSO impressed with myself for knowing that the neighbor was asking me for a bottle opener when she came over earlier. I'm not sure if I could've figured it out this time last year.

There were several comments on my 10 Random Facts post wondering how I managed to burn my head on a refrigerator light bulb when I was little. You know the side by side fridge/freezer units with the split freezers? Well, I'm telling you those half doors look like doors to a secret wonderful place. A secret wonderful place that will BURN YOUR HEAD if you walk into them. Don't say you haven't been warned.

I'm sure if it wasn't a billionty percent humidity and HOT that I could figure out something else clever to say here, but my brain is a puddle and I still think my sinuses are filled with crud. Therefore, I shall end this posting with links to Friday Fragments and Friday's Freewrite.

Friday Fragments? is the Chronicles of My Ordinary and Awesome Life, Family, and Thoughts. is the Mostly Wordless Wednesday headquarters as well as the home to several original awards and memes.
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