My Week One goal for Operation Organization was the laundry room. Now if I'm honest, I don't really have a laundry room. It's more of a laundry, food storage, workbench, and miscellaneous stuff storage closet. Since it serves many many purposes it's important to keep it somewhat organized. That's also the reason that oftentimes it looks like complete and total mayhem.
I spent a little while each day on sorting through some things and general tidying. Now, I can actually walk to the washing machine without tripping and falling on my head!
As you can see, I have a few plastic baskets for things, but I'm also using a lot of cardboard boxes from products at the supermarket because they're readily available and FREE. I also discovered that we have enough haircare products and bodywash to last until 2032.
I know the shelf above the dryer doesn't actually look very improved, but I went through a bunch of things and found a huge empty storage bin that I can use somewhere else for something. I was hoping it would be huge enough to store our down comforters in, but it's just a tad too small for that.
I think for week 2 I will be going through some of the clothes cabinets in the bedroom. I asked Martijn if he'd help me go though some of his 900 million tee-shirts and see if there are some that can go! I have plans for some of the discards... maybe I can use the giant storage bin I found to store them in until I get to that project. We'll have to see what happens.
If you missed week 1, you can still join in! Click the picture below to find out more about Operation Organization, hosted at Coming Clean- Confessions of an Imperfect Parent!