Friday, July 03, 2009

Friday Fragments- July 3, 2009


Happy July Everyone!

I spent the last couple of days in a friends pool. Despite my liberal and many sunscreen applications, my arms and legs are itchy and bumpy and red. Still, I had an awesome time and it was nice to be in the COOL pool instead of in the hot muggy death of my apartment.

Someone, who asked to remain nameless, was wondering if birds that ate cherry pits pooped out the pits whole. We mentioned it to someone else today and she said, "Haven't you ever heard a bird SQUAWK, that's why!"

I made a cherry blueberry pie for the 4th of July BBQ tomorrow. It has a big star shaped piece of dough for the top crust. I really really hope it tastes good. I used canned cherries with some extra cornstarch for thickening instead of cherry pie filling.

I mentioned last week in my fragments post that I'd had my eyes dilated. Well, I'd also had blood drawn and given a urine sample, which they then promptly lost. How kind of them.

In America when I'd needed to give a urine sample, I was given the specimen cup at the doctors office and just took care of it there. Not so here. You do it at home and then bring it with you. I always feel awkward cycling with a jar of pee on my bike. It's just not normal.

There's really not much else to report. I've not been doing much, it's just too hot and muggy.

Friday Fragments?
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