Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Road Trippin'
When I was in the US this spring, I had the fabulous opportunity to drive to Minnesota with my grandparents to see one of my uncles and his cute family. We took a slight detour from the "usual" route and drove past Mount Rushmore. It's pretty fantastic. We didn't go up into the visitors center, but I can't wait to go back and take Martijn! We also went past the Crazy Horse monument. That thing is going to be MASSIVE if they ever finish it. It's the entire mountain for pete's sake.
I asked Grandpa what route we were going to be taking to get to Minnesota, and he told me we'd be going slightly into Colorado, up through and across Wyoming. Once we got to South Dakota, we'd then drive approximately a million miles to the border of Minnesota. He wasn't kidding. That is one seriously wide state! It was such a pretty drive though.
Once we got to Minnesota I finally got to meet some of my family that I hadn't gotten to meet before! Right before Martijn and I were married, the twins were born. It would've been completely insane to travel with barely born twins and since I moved a short three months later, I hadn't had a chance to meet them. It'd been ages since I'd seen the other two boys, and I can't believe how big they all are... and BUSY. I also got to meet Tommy the 6-toed cat.