I've been going shorter and shorter recently with my haircuts... but I think the cut I got on Monday maybe went a -wee- bit shorter than I wanted. It doesn't look bad, but it's probably shorter than I'll go next time.
I ate lunch in a windmill yesterday.
One of the ladies from the North American Women's Club is moving back to the US. I'm bummed about it. It's hard making friends here because there is a huge chance that they're going to be gone in a couple years.
Martijn replaced the backwards movement in our cute little key case and we installed it on the wall in the hallway! I think it's adorable.
My biceps feel like I've been trying to bench-press buses in my spare time. I'm not entirely sure what has caused that because I don't think I've been making any wild movements or bench-pressing buses.
I spent a good portion of my Tuesday fixing two spokes on my bike. One of them was rather simple, but the other was on the "bad side" (behind the chain guard) and I had to disassemble and twist and bend the spoke. Hopefully it won't snap next week because then I'll cry.

Now there are TWO Friday memes to link up to, so check out the Mr Linky's on both. You might meet a new friend, or two!.
I'm going to be participating in Operation Organization over the next few weeks. The idea is to make a goal each week for reorganization and decluttering and post about it! I'm not sure if I want to post a picture of how scary the laundry room is right now, though it'll give me good incentive to go through it! I'll be posting before & after photos next Friday along with my goal for the next area!