Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Fragments and Freewrite Friday- July 10, 2009

Gotta love Dutch weather. We went from the 90s last week to the 50s and low 60s this week. With rain. Everyday. It likes to start raining as soon as I get on my bike and stops as soon as I get off.

Last week, when it was a thousand degrees outside and NOT raining, we decided to go to a movie since the theaters are one of the few establishments here that have airconditioning. By the time I got there I was soaking wet so I was glad the airco wasn't on. We saw The Proposal, and while the story was a little ridiculous, I laughed pretty hard throughout. I think the actors were what made it work, they played off each other pretty well. I do wonder how Sandra Bullock managed to walk in those heels without killing herself though.

I made taco salad again this week.

Taco Salad

I used spinach instead of lettuce, but made sure to counteract any possible health benefits by using nuclear orange cheese covered tortilla chips. It was delicious, by the way.

I found the worlds most amazing socks on eBay, but I can't decide if it's worth the cost of shipping from Australia. They're fuzzy striped knee-high socks. Seriously though, I could make THE cutest sock monkeys the world has ever seen if I had those socks.

We changed our internet service provider and telephone service and updgraded our cable so now we have a DVR. There isn't a huge cost savings involved, but it shouldn't cost so much to make phonecalls anymore, and our upload speed has tripled. Whee!

I haven't made much more progress on the Mrs Yummy project, but I talked to my mom and she had some good ideas on how to do the mouth properly so hopefully I'll get some more done on her in the next few days.

If you haven't already, and want a headache, go read my post on how to tell time in Dutch.

This is to be my 198th post. I have been kicking around some ideas for a giveaway to celebrate breaking the 200 barrier, but I don't want to be conventional and do it on post 200 so I'll wait until post 203.

Did I mention that it's been raining a lot?

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