Saturday, July 25, 2009

Late Friday Fragments- July 24, 2009

I know it's Saturday. I'm still going to do my Friday Fragments, BECAUSE I CAN!

I was cycling home from an appointment yesterday and got pooped on by a bird. Martijn took great delight in telling me that the birds had decided to start giving me crap.

We bought a couple of new plants. They are cacti, and we named them Francis and George. We haven't named any of our other plants, but maybe if they have names then I will bond with them and not let them die (plus, they're cacti for pete's sake, they probably won't die if I forget to water them for 3 months a few days).

francis and george

My cute sister in law is headed to backpack through Argentina! I hope she has a good time.

I have found my dream sewing machine on Marktplaats (The Dutch version of eBay mashed with craigslist), but the woman hasn't e-mailed me back yet to tell me if it A: works and B: how many billions of euros she wants for it. I'm on the edge of my seat here people! I REALLY REALLY WANT IT.

I was featured on Traveling the Blogosphere!!! TTB features bloggers and their homes or places they've visited around the world. It's quite a lot of fun, you should check it out and add your places to be featured.

I went to my Tupperware party last week and splashed out on a new breadbox. It better be as cool as they claim it is. If it's not, then I'm going to start mailing my moldy bread to their headquarters in protest.

Friday Fragments? is the Chronicles of My Ordinary and Awesome Life, Family, and Thoughts. is the Mostly Wordless Wednesday headquarters as well as the home to several original awards and memes.
Now there are TWO Friday memes to link up to, so check out the Mr Linky's on both. You might meet a new friend, or two!.
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