A view of part of the car boot sale.
The weather was perfect, and we were right next to the beach.
We managed to walk away with some pretty good scores too!
- A new Fiskars paper trimmer- €2
- An external CD burner for €3 (we had plans for this, but they didn't quite work how we were hoping... who knew that CD and DVD burners weren't a standard physical size?!)
- A pizza pan set for €2
- Tupperware popsicle molds for 25 cents (they're orange so they match my existing ones)
- A Canon flatbed scanner for €6 (it's a bit older, but it works perfectly for what we need and was way cheaper than buying new)
- A cute key holder cabinet for €5 (we'd been searching for something like this since our current arrangement of "throw your keys anywhere" isn't working very well for us)
The hole in the front of the key cabinet had a clock in it- a very odd clock. It liked to tell time backwards, and not very well for that matter. So in true Martijn-like fashion, he had it whipped apart and dismantled in no time flat. We're going to install a new movement and hopefully it'll work like new!
It really was a fun day spent with the person I love and some GOOD DEALS!
In other somewhat related news- I found this Print Gocco kit a few weeks ago at a flea we went to, and I can't decide if I want to keep it and use it or sell it on for a rather tidy profit. I'm torn because I think it would be fun, but supplies are getting harder to come by... and if I sell it on I'll have more money to put towards the sewing machine I want! Decisions decisions!