Sunday, July 19, 2009

Menu Plan Monday- July 20, 2009

I skipped on making the Garbanzo and Tuna Salad and made a Sizzling Sausage Salad instead. That recipe, and the Bistro Dinner Salad recipe have been permanently added to my make again file! The Chicken Cobb Salad was alright, but unremarkable so we'll probably skip on it in the future.

click the banner and "Menu Plan Monday" for more menu planning ideas

Pesto Pasta with Green Beans- This recipe calls for potatoes, but I think potatoes+pasta= carb overload. I'm going to ditch the potatoes and maybe add a bit of chicken.

Stuffed Burgers- I have some of these from a few months ago stashed away in the freezer.

Crockpot BBQ Ribs

Potstickers- I haven't made these for a while and I should have most everything to make them. I do need to make a stop at the butcher and get some ground pork.

Something with zucchini, I haven't decided yet!
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