Wednesday, September 10, 2008

In a Pickle

Canning and food storage don't seem to be terribly popular here, so finding supplies to do so is a little daunting. From what I understand, Germany has a little more to offer, but my German is worse than my Dutch so that leaves me a little baffled on what to look for. Aside from it being hard to find supplies, storage space is an issue. BUT... I have been really wanting a -good- dill pickle. The Netherlands has 'zure augurken' (sour pickles) but they're just not -that- sour. They also don't have any dill in them whatsoever.

Fridge Pickle Project

All of this rambling leads me to my latest endeavor- Refrigerator Pickles. They don't require any processing in the traditional sense and are supposed to stay good for several months in the fridge.

They'll be ready to eat in a week or so, so I'll post an update (and a recipe if they don't kill us) then. I really need to start making stuff I can eat RIGHT AWAY! I hate waiting!


Emily G said...

Ooh, but look how pretty they look! I want to make some just to have something to put in the window!

Anonymous said...

They sure look pretty!!

James said...

They look lekker! ;)

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