Thursday, November 19, 2009

More Q & A!

Time for another answer to the Ask Me Anything questions!

Brainella asked: If there was one kitchen appliance you could buy (say someone would just GIVE it to you), what would it be and why?

You know the story about "If you give a mouse a cookie... he'll ask for a glass of milk... and then he'll probably ask for a straw... and when he's done he'll need a napkin..." and on and on and on? Well, some of the kitchen appliances I might like would cause this sort of chain reaction! Sometimes I would really like a real oven but If I got a real oven, I'd need a bigger kitchen, which really would necessitate a new house. I suppose you get the picture! Honestly though, my little combi oven is pretty perfect for 98% of the things I'd want to do and the other 2% isn't worth having to move into a bigger house with a bigger mortgage!

I'd also really LOVE to have a bigger freezer. Everytime we go to IKEA and look at their fridges I curse at them for having a model bigger than ours that has a bigger FRIDGE section but not a bigger FREEZER section. I don't need more room in the fridge! Gimme freezer space! Since they don't make a fridge like I'd want, we'd need a stand-alone and my apartment doesn't really have space for a stand alone freezer. Unless we hung an elaborate platform and pully system from the ceiling. I'm not sure how that would affect the resale value of the property though, so I think I'll stay away from drilling giant holes into the ceiling for now.

So if I'm shooting for something realistic, I'd probably say a red KitchenAid. Though, at the prices they cost here I'm not sure how realistic that is either! If I did get one though, I'd get the grinder attachment. Then I'd buy a turkey farm so I could make ground turkey. Oh, and sausages. Really good breakfast sausages!

P.S. I still have 11 days to go on NaBloPoMo and I'm so not interesting enough to come up with content on my own, so PLEEEEEEEASE ask me more questions on the post linked below!


brainella said...

Yeah, my stand mixer is one of my prized possessions. :) I do want a new oven though; ours is crap. One with the center grill and that has electric oven and gas burners. Not picky. Much. :)

Vonlipi said...

The Kitchenaid is the best and the grinder attachement amazing! I just made a batch of breakfast sausages this afternoon using it. It goes so fast!

Wizardress said...

I heart my Kitchen Aid ... you can get them here at the Makro sometime for around 200 euro which is GOOD price for here as i'm sure you know. If they have them for that price again I can always let you know if you'd like.

I wish they sold ground turkey here too don't you???

Do you have any storage space on the ground floor? Like a little room for storage? If there is an electrical outlet there, you could put a small freezer in there. That's what we did. We had one that Marcel's uncle gave us, and then Marcel's mom wanted that one (it's small two drawers) so she bought us a new one that's a little larger. I don't know how things are set up there, but it's an idea :) *hugs*

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