Friday, October 02, 2009

Fragmented Freewrites- October 2, 2009

This week has been... well, I don't even know what it's been.

On Monday I went and did my integration exams. I was feeling pretty unhappy with the speaking test, but felt good about one and it could've gone either way on another.

Tuesday I went and got a haircut and then headed to the city center to meet up with a friend. We did some shopping and then went for lunch. I found a rather tasty looking sandwich and had taken a couple of bites when... THERE WAS A WORM IN MY SANDWICH! Not even a fun chewy gummy worm. They have lots of fresh produce in there so I'm sure it was from that but... BLEGH. I got a new sandwich but I'd lost my appetite for it by then. Luckily I'd had some worm-free soup and a muffin so I didn't go hungry.

Wednesday was fairly drama free! I had a language course and then spent the rest of the afternoon doing errands and tidying up.

Thursday the fun began again. My friend (same friend as on Tuesday) and I went to Belgium to do some shopping and have lunch. We figured it'd be a pretty carefree day. It was, until we started on our way home and I rolled down the window to take a picture. I pushed the button, the window went about halfway down... I poised to take the photo and ALL OF A SUDDEN the window just FELL and crashed down inside the door!! It completely jumped the track. So, we did the only thing we could do and drove home with the window down. I'm just glad it wasn't raining! The dealership was on the way home, so we stopped there and said "Haaaaalp!" They did fix it, so that's good, but I felt horrible about it.

Now, we were joking that she's my bad luck charm, though I don't really think that (I'm probably HER bad luck charm!).

While we were in Belgium I decided that their supermarkets have a much better selection of... well, everything. I restrained myself and only came back with some pickle potato chips (they are delicious), whole wheat pitas (MIRACLE FIND), cheap beans, a new pasta mix to try, and some cellophane (which I can buy here, but they had it and I'd been needing it).

I had a couple people comment on my Homemade Mayo post that they needed to get a food processor, and I say to them "YES YOU DO!" I found mine at the thrift store for €10. It is quite amazing. Martijn asked me if we needed to peel off the price sticker and I said "No! I want to remember what a good deal we got!" I really probably should remove it though...

I'm headed to a baby shower tomorrow. I made a terribly cute present (if I do say so myself), but the recipient does read my blog so I'm going to wait until after I give it to her to post a photo.

My poor little camera has to go to the camera hospital. I hope they'll fix it under warranty because it's their BAD design that caused the problem in the first place AND it's still less than a year old. If they won't fix it under warranty, then I might just have to keep a roll of cello-tape in the camera pocket of my purse. The battery door has broken and now doesn't stay closed on one side, so it's not detrimental to the operation of the camera, but it's annoying! I don't think it would've happened if they'd designed the battery compartment better.

I find it worrying that when you try to update Windows Media Player it pops up and tells you if you have system restore disabled and that they recommend you stop, turn it on, and THEN update WMP. Microsoft is SO uncertain about the stability of their updates that they suggest that you make sure to turn on your system restore so you can start over when it destroys your computer!!!

Finally, I would like to share with you some GOOD NEWS! They told me my test results could take about 4 weeks. Try about 4 days...


See that on the right side that says "Geslaagd." That means PASSED!

So, at the very least, the week ended on a good note.

Friday Fragments?
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