Friday, October 09, 2009

Fragmented Freewrites- October 9, 2009

Time for Fragments!

My mom called me this week and left a message saying "I'm in Amsterdam and was just thinking of you..." Too bad she meant Amsterdam, New York. I'd have been on a train to the airport so fast!

My in-laws have chickens so sometimes we get yummy fresh eggs from them.

Godzilla Chicken Eggs!

I think one of the chickens is a cross between a chicken and an ostrich. Check out the size of those two eggs on the left! The funniest part is the egg in the middle is NOT small either. These things are massive.

When we got our new bikes several people asked me if I'd given it a name. I hadn't, but now I'm going to call it Bucky. I totally biffed it, so I'm going to blame the bike and say it bucked me off, rather than taking the blame for turning the corner too sharply. I tore a giant hole in my pants, skinned my knee, had gravel embedded in my hands, got stabbed in the chest with my handlebars and landed quite heavily on my shoulder. I should live but I'm probably going to be in agony uncomfortable the next few days. The score currently stands Bucky-1, Me-0. The worst part is I wasn't even trying to do anything cool like escape a mob of angry ninjas.

I always get thrown off when I hear "God Save the Queen" because it's the exact tune of "My Country, 'Tis of Thee." Then I get annoyed that they're singing the wrong words, even though "God Save the Queen/King" was set to that melody way before. It's not logical, but it's how it is.

I need to stop reading the news, I'm just better off not knowing.

I'm thinking of doing some sort of "Ask me anything" post. Should I do it??

Friday Fragments? is the Chronicles of My Ordinary and Awesome Life, Family, and Thoughts. is the Mostly Wordless Wednesday headquarters as well as the home to several original awards and memes.
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