I went and got my flu shot on Tuesday. They're not doing H1N1 flu shots until next month which is a pity since that's the flu that seems to be KILLING people right now. Honestly I'm not that worried, I just feel like complaining because my arm still hurts and I have to go do it again in a couple of weeks.
We had a wild adventure with our washing machine the week before last. I went to take a load of laundry out of the washer and it was still SOGGY SOAKING wet. I asked Martijn if our washing machine had a spin-only cycle and we then realized that the washing machine was doing a good job at filling up with water and then doing nothing. The main reason this was so dramatic is because getting to the back of the washing machine to investigate what's going on is a huge pain in the rear. Eventually we excavated enough to get the dryer off of the top and out of the way. It turned out that the motor brushes were completely worn out and that's what caused it to die. Mr Handyman Martijn went to the part store and was able to find replacements for €12.50. Our machine is pretty dang old but it still does the job so I was glad to just be able to repair it and not have to get a new one. Plus, now I know what the inside of a washing machine motor looks like and that's pretty dang cool.
I've been having quite a lot of fun doing Sarah's Food Network Chefs Cooking Challenge. This week I made Sweet Potato Hash and Spicy Chicken Strips. Cat Cora is the chef for next week, but I haven't figured out what it is I'll be making yet.
There is a new Law & Order: UK. It has Apollo from Battlestar Galactica, aka Archie from Hornblower in it. Martijn and I are just waiting for him to throw someone overboard and then go shoot down some Cylons.
I'm still working on sock monkeys. I have piles of them that still need eyes and ears. Hopefully I can finish them up this weekend. Then my army of monkeys and I will take over the world!!!
And since every post needs an unrelated picture, I present you with a random wall full of birdhouses on the island of Texel!