Monday, October 12, 2009

DIY Range Hood Filter Replacements

My sweet friend Shari from My Practically Perfect Life is hosting a blog carnival called "Make Do Mondays."

At Make-Do Mondays we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got. It’s a carnival celebrating creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity.

So without further ado, here's our "make-do" for this week.

We have a range hood from IKEA that takes not only one, but TWO filters which they recommend replacing every 6 months. The first time Martijn went to buy new ones they wanted about €30 a PIECE for them. They've since come down in price, but it's still a €40 recurring charge every 6 months if you buy new ones.

So, he did what any stingy Dutch person frugally minded person would do. He took the old ones apart and replaced their guts.

Range Hood Filter

The filters just have charcoal in them, and upon further inspection it looked an awful lot like the charcoal you use in aquariums. It's not 100% the same, but it does serve the same purpose and seems to work just fine in this application.

Range Filter Col 1

He couldn't find the pellets so he bought a really fine charcoal and we've since discovered that it doesn't work as well and is insanely MESSY. Luckily we came across the pellets at another store so the next time it wasn't so messy.

Range Hood Col 2

After some liberal applications of hot glue and another layer of filter fabric, the job was complete!

Range Hood Col 3

The total spent on these for the filter fabric, charcoal, and hot glue was less than €10 and that was with a LOT of leftover supplies to make them in the future. I can deal with that!

Please be sure to check out more Make-Do Mondays and join in!

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