Saturday, October 31, 2009

World Blog Surf Day: Dutch New Years

Today is World Blog Surf Day! This is a day where expat bloggers come together on the same day and write about a specific theme. We then link our blogs to end up with a lovely chain to travel the world via blogs. The theme this time is "Holidays and Celebrations." This is a pretty broad category so I had several ideas. I settled on New Years!

The Dutch celebrate their Oudejaarsavond (New Years Eve) in a pretty similar manner to the US with one explosive exception. People get together with family and friends to spend time together. Then, when the clock strikes twelve everyone goes completely bonkers and runs outside to set off fireworks! We have a pretty good view from our balcony so we usually stay home (so as not to get blown up) and watch from there. From midnight on there's a pretty good solid hour of explosions and bangs that shake the windows and probably terrify small children and animals. It starts to taper off a little around 2:30 or so, but you'll still hear a straggler every now and then through the rest of the night.

Before the booms and bangs though, you need to eat your oliebollen!

Oliebollen are a traditional treat and one of the only times during the year we actually use our deep fryer.

Picnik collage

Our oliebollen usually look like olierandomshapes, but they taste good! You can buy a box mix from the supermarket or get really crazy and make it from scratch.

4 c. (500 grams) white all purpose flour
2 tbsp (30 grams) yeast
1 tsp (5 grams) salt
2 cups (1/2 liter) lukewarm milk
1 cup (250 grams) raisins
powdered sugar for sprinkling
oil for deep frying

In a large bowl make a dough from the first four ingredients. Let rise in warm place for approximately 1 hour, or until the dough has doubled in size.

Mix raisins in with the dough. Let rise again. In the mean time, heat the oil to 350 F (180 C). With two spoons, make small balls and drop into the oil. Turn if needed. When the balls are light brown use a slotted spoon to remove them from the oil and drain on paper towels. Dust with powdered sugar to serve.

It's a good thing we only have these once a year!

Please visit the next blog on the list Just a Plane Ride Away by JaPra and continue on the journey!

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