Friday, September 04, 2009

Fragmented Freewrites- September 4, 2009

Friday is here and that means brain dump time!

I was asking Maritjn if you could get Russet potatoes here, and so he did a Google search for "russet aardappels kopen" (russet potatoes to buy) and one of the sponsered links was for "" Uh, tweedehands means SECOND HAND... Would YOU buy second hand used potatoes?

I'm not sure why I keep waiting until 10 o'clock on Friday night to write these posts. By this time my brain is goo and I can't think of anything clever to say.

I am working on compiling a "list of things that must go." First on the list- music players on blogs. I can't even write coherent sentences about how much I don't like them.

I have big feet. Big feet to the point of it being just plain ridiculous trying to find shoes. I also cannot find cute feminine or girly socks. Man socks are okay, but you don't get the cheerful variety that you can find in women's socks. Anyhow, my mom really loves me. She's been making me awesome socks. Really, truly, awesome socks! These babies will NOT be chopped up to make monkeys.

My Amazing Awesome Socks

Speaking of monkeys...

Picture 2848

I'm still perfecting my monkey hair technique, but I think he's pretty funny. Here are the rest that are done.

Picture 2847

Picture 2845

I'm -almost- finished with the batch of half-done monkeys that have been sitting on my shelf for the past.... uh, long long time. I have 3 more to complete and then can delve into chopping up the new socks that I got in my package.

That dumb lady never got back with me about the sewing machine. I hope she drops it on her foot.

I'm still contemplating which recipe I'll use for the next installment of FNCCC. If you missed it earlier in the week, you can see my post and review of the Beer Battered Fish and Broccoli Slaw.

I got an e-mail from my uncle and have been trying to decide what you could use in place of the beer. I'm thinking club soda or 7up might work... maybe ginger ale? Anyone have any brilliant ideas? I'm open for suggestions!

I think it's pretty safe to say summer is OVER in this country. I need to dig out my light box in anticipation of the long grey winter to come.

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