Fragmented Fridays are here again, and I'm still working on a witty and clever intro.
A friend that we've known online for ages was in The Netherlands this week, so we met up and went to The Efteling yesterday. It was a really good day.
I don't want to imply that Martijn is a party pooper because he totally isn't... but he can be a little more straight laced and serious than I am. Usually when I suggest we do nutty silly things he declines! So yesterday I told him I'd push him on the merry-go-round if he climbed on. I was certain he'd say no, but I was wrong!
I have some really important tests on Monday. I'd really appreciate good thoughts, crossed fingers, prayers, etc. I'm trying to stay relaxed about it, but I'm pretty nervous about the speaking part. Hopefully I won't completely choke.
Sometimes I want to do really nice things for people who are rude or mean to me. Not to be the better person, just so that they'll feel really bad for being rude. That's probably not very nice is it?
I need to find more opportunities to use the word dastardly in everyday conversation. What words do you think should be used more often?