Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fragmented Freewrites- September 18, 2009

Many of the other fragmenters come up with really witty intros to their posts. Unfortunately, if you want a really witty intro, you're going to have to click on the links at the bottom of the post and read someone else's blog!

I'm happy, Discovery is airing newer episodes of Wheeler Dealers. Martijn and I always make bets on how much they'll sell the cars for at the end. We seem to take turns on who is actually the closest.

No monkey pictures this week. I have a few more made, but they don't have eyes yet and they're sorta creepy looking.

My informal Dutch courses are starting up again next week. This is a good thing, I think the past few lessons really helped boost my confidence. I've had several people compliment me on how my Dutch is coming along, but sometimes I worry they're just trying to be nice because they feel sorry for me! I also need to learn how to give people directions because apparently I really look like I know what's going on and get stopped on a VERY regular basis for directions.

We got our "year-end" electric bill and the electric company finally has our estimated billing about right. The first year Martijn lived here they were overcharging him by a LOT so he got a massive refund at the end of the year... but then they were UNDERcharging us by quite a lot so the end of that year the bill was way too low and we owed a lot. It seems like now they've got it about right. We used slightly less electricity this year than last so that's good too.

The bad mail was the letter from the tax office that decided we owed them money. Boo taxes!

My cute husband realized that we'd been living together for more than 2 1/2 years and brought home some ORANGE flowers and offered to make dinner on Saturday. I certainly can't complain about him being thoughtless!

Speaking of flowers, I love how cheap flowers are here. You can get nice big bunches for under €5 on a pretty regular basis. Love it!

In other plant related news, my tomato plants are just NOW flowering. In September. I might have fruit by January. I think I'll have to bring it inside soon since it's getting awfully chilly during the nights and I don't want it to freeze to death.

Did you know that orange carrots didn't really exist until the 17th century, when some Dutch person decided to cultivate orange carrots as a tribute to The House of Orange. Crazy, eh?

Finally, for something completely related to anything that I've done this week... a picture of a door. Because I like it.

Picture 2308

What secrets do you suppose are hiding behind that door?

Friday Fragments? is the Chronicles of My Ordinary and Awesome Life, Family, and Thoughts. is the Mostly Wordless Wednesday headquarters as well as the home to several original awards and memes.
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