Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fragmented Freewrites- September 11, 2009

Friday has come and gone, but I'm still posting my fragments!

I've been busy this week transforming Altoid tins into mini "survival" kits to tuck away in your purse or pocket. I still need to put the tins back together, but I think they're looking good so far. I'm also still in the process of gathering goodies to put inside of them. What do you always keep in your purse, or WISH you kept in your purse?

Mod Podged Altoid Tins in progress

Martijn ordered us a new TV (also my monitor) a few weeks ago with some of his overtime. We got it and plugged it in... and it was making this horrid noise that only me (and dogs, apparently) could hear and I swear it was making my brain bleed. Since he purchased it from one of the distributors at work we couldn't return it, so we decided to send a service request to Samsung and see if they could do anything for us. After waiting several days for a new part, they sent it back and I held my breath as we plugged it in and turned it on. So far, so good.

It doesn't have picture in picture like the old one, but since Martijn is taking the old one to use for himself, we're just going to split the cable and run it to both so I can watch something if I'm on my computer (what I used to use the PIP for). PLUS since it has a digital audio input, we can get rid of the switcher box we used to switch the audio between the PC and TV. It'll just do it automatically! It's awfully shiny too. We didn't really think the old one was pretty, but now that it's next to the new one it looks a little clunky.


My friend Andrea found me some corn tortillas at an expat store here and I'm SO EXCITED I CAN HARDLY STAND IT! I love corn tortillas so much and they're really just not available here in normal stores. I have found a place online to buy the corn tortilla flour and a tortilla press but I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to do that yet. After I eat these, I may be seriously considering the investment. It'd probably be a lot cheaper in the long run!

Last night we watched a Law and Order: SVU episode with Angela Lansbury in it and suddenly Martijn says to me "I miss watching Murder, She Wrote." Lucky for him they show it on the BBC!

I've been trying to do a little housekeeping on my blog. I am trying to sort out my tags and then go through and tag ALL of my posts since I've been a little lax at that in the past. I'm not all that enamored with Blogger's search feature, so hopefully it'll make things a little easier to find.

Friday Fragments? is the Chronicles of My Ordinary and Awesome Life, Family, and Thoughts. is the Mostly Wordless Wednesday headquarters as well as the home to several original awards and memes.
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