Martijn and I headed to Breugel, a village about 20 minutes away, for a flea market.
I found a couple of Tupperware cannisters and a pasta machine, but they weren't very exciting to take pictures of. This cash register was neat though.
As was this funky old TV and the Renault 4 that was parked behind it. The front windows slid open, it was fantastic!
Since several of the roads were blocked off for the flea market (it was in the middle of the streets of the village), we turned off a slightly different way than we came. We followed a windy NARROW road and then suddenly were confronted with this:
So of course Martijn starts laughing and bouncing up and down in his seat.
We made it back to "civilization" (or at least paved roads) and were attacked by hoards of bicyclists. This was one of the small groups.
On the way home we actually ended up running into two more flea markets by accident, so it was a good day.
However, the car is now in desperate need of a bath. I know it's really not -that- bad, but for our little car that never really goes anywhere, it's pretty grubby!