According to the all-knowing Wikipedia, Crassula is a large genus of succulent plants, containing many species, including the popular Jade Plant, Crassula ovata.
The "Gollum" jade has scary little tubular fingers that sorta look like they're reaching out to get you.
The Crassula undulatifolia has wavy leaves and is a little more like a bush than the tree shape of the Jade Plant.
We have a few spider plants and sansevieria that I've not quite managed to off, but I think I prefer the Crassula. I KNOW they don't like a lot of water so I don't feel too guilty neglecting them! Plus, how fun is it to say crassula over and over again until it loses all meaning? Ok maybe not fun, but it is sortof a cool word.
This week C is for... Crassula! Go visit Mrs. Matlock by clicking on the link below to see more AlphabeThursday!