Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Festivities 2008

The Dutch don't really celebrate Halloween like folks in the US. Since this is the case, the North American Women's Club here in Eindhoven hosts a party for the kids and families to get together and do Halloweeny things. This year, someone new was in charge and she went all out and did a wonderful job organizing and getting everything set up. I think we ended up with around 85 people there, and we were LUCKY to have awesome weather yesterday (it's usually a crapshoot and you just pray for no rain when you have an outdoor event planned).

Of course, I had to get in on the action and carve my pumpkin.

Pumpkin 2008

Martijn and I were volunteered to help with the games for the kids. I think he drew the short straw and had to gather up LOTS of pumpkin seeds for the relay race. I was in charge of "pin the nose on the pumpkin" and the "assemble the skeleton" game, but people were pretty into the pumpkin carving so I didn't see a lot of action. I managed to successfully explain to some of the little Dutch kids how to play the game, though I suspect they were wondering what planet I learned their language on.

My only other Halloween celebration this year is going to be on Halloween and I'm making funny things for dinner like Mummy Dogs and Blood Soup (tomato soup, of course).

P.S. The Dutch word for pumpkin is "pompoen."
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