Monday, June 08, 2009

Menu Plan Monday- June 8, 2009

The only new thing we tried last week was the Inside Out Burgers. They were good. Next time I'll use horseradish in the stuffing.

click the banner and "Menu Plan Monday" for more menu planning ideas

This week:

One of the supermarkets here has these "choose and cook" meals in which you can mix and match a starch, some sort of vegetable mix, a meat, and a sauce. They're usually something like €13.50, but they were on sale for €7.50 this week so I got one with red rice and chicken sate. It's a pretty substantial amount of food so it should cover two meals!

Fish and Chorizo Chili- We haven't had this for quite some time and it's quite good.

Stuffed Zucchini- I think instead of putting the filling in the zucchini boats I'm just going to chop them up and fry them up with everything else. That way I won't have to heat up the apartment with the oven.

Chicken Drumsticks and salad- Still deciding how I want to do the chicken. Maybe I'll do a "baked fried chicken" recipe.

Melt Sandwiches and Tomato Soup- I might do this on the night Martijn is out if he has a dinner meeting this week.
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