Monday, May 11, 2009

LDS Eighth International Art Competition Exhibit

I had the opportunity to go see the Eighth International Art Competition Exhibit at the conference center in Salt Lake last week. This competition and exhibit is held by the LDS church every three years and gives members the opportunity to share their talents with the world. This year there were entries from over 40 countries!

My good friend Melanie entered a masterpiece of stained glass that I watched come together over the years so it was really neat to see it all together and on display for everyone to see. At one point she talked about finishing it off before it was truly "done", but I told her I didn't think she would be happy if she stopped at that point. I know that wasn't what she wanted to hear at the time, but she did tell me thank you and that I was right afterall when she did get it DONE done. Now the joke is that I was the "creative consultant" on the job.

Sacred Grove Stained Glass

There were some absolutely stunning pieces of art there. One person had made a "desktop" with a lacy tablecloth, a Book of Mormon, a feather and other desky things entirely out of wood. I didn't even realize it was all wood until one of the docents pointed it out to us. There were quilts and sculptures and paintings and carvings and on and on. I loved the broad range of styles and different mediums that people worked with. It really showed a broad range of talents.

If you're in the Salt Lake area or will be before October 11, 2009 you REALLY ought to check out the exhibit. It's open Monday-Saturday from 10 am until 7 pm and on Sunday from 11 am until 7 pm in the Conference Center and you enter through door 15. You can also view the exhibit online, but it truly is one of those things where being there in person is better!

Since we were right across the street from Temple Square and I had left The Netherlands before the tulips came up, we went over and walked through so I could see the flowers.


It was a good day.

P.S.-- If you haven't already, don't forget to enter my Dutch Goodies Giveaway!
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