We were watching the news tonight and I asked Martijn if he ever wondered if the newscasters were wearing pants. He insisted I was insane, but now whenever he watches the news he'll be looking at the desk they sit behind and feeling mighty curious about the whole thing.
I went in on Tuesday to complete the final piece of my Dutchification process. They said they'll get back to me within 4 weeks. I hope it will be sooner and I really hope I passed. I'll let you know... Unless I failed and then I might just make up a lie about them losing my results and me needing to do it again. Although, knowing how competent this system is, it might not even be a lie!
My sweet friend Lori does a feature called Five O'clock Friday on her blog. You take a picture at 5 o'clock (AM or PM) and post it (or e-mail her and she'll post it for you). Seems simple enough. It really is, yet somehow 5 rolls around on Friday and it's the furthest thing from my mind. I told her she needed to start an SMS reminder service. Here's my photo from a couple weeks ago. He's our groovy turtle pot. Please ignore the fact that I'm a terrible plant parent and the tips of the leaves look like something horrible has happened to them.
I was slightly resistant to the changes that Flickr made to their pages, but I'm sorta digging the fact that you can just click on "share this" in the photo window and grab code for whatever size picture you want to post. Before you had to click on "All sizes" and then click on the size you wanted. I thought it was a lot of clicking and waiting for pages to load so this makes me rather happy.
And I shall leave you this week with this:
Some guy in Texas has managed to deep fry beer. I think it sounds revolting, but whatever floats your boat I guess.
The article says "Zable started experimenting. But the beer-and-dough concoction kept exploding once it hit the fryer. He kept getting burned...
Then, earlier this year, he finally found the recipe for success."
So I suspect the moral of the story is: If at first you don't succeed, fry, fry again.