Saturday, May 29, 2010

Friday Fragments- May 28, 2010

We had a rather nice birthday get together for Martijn last night and I didn't go to bed until after 2. Therefore, once again, I am fragmenting a little late.

  • I'm in the process of breaking up with Firefox. I stubbornly stuck with them because the other browsers didn't offer all the same sorts of wild magic extensions and add-ons but now Chrome will do most of what I want. There is no reason for me to be wildly frustrated because it completely eats up ALL THE RESOURCES on my netbook and makes it run like a slug. NO MORE!

  • Eindhoven is officially the "least safe city" in The Netherlands again! Perhaps that has something to do with the measly amount of police officers. Just to give you an idea- Rotterdam has 1 police officer for every 232 inhabitants. Eindhoven has 1 per 382. For the largest city outside of the Randstad, that doesn't seem like much. Honestly though, I don't spend much time worrying about being unsafe here. There are a couple of places that I wouldn't want to be alone in the dark here but for the most part it's not bad.

  • My inburgering portfolio was accepted the second time around. In the typical manner of the organization (I use the term loosely here) that takes care of things, they screwed up and sent a bill instead of just deducting the cost from my "student loan." We had to call and straighten that out and now I'm just waiting for the letter that says when my panel interview is so that I can reschedule it (since I'm 99% sure it will be scheduled for sometime when I'm gone).

  • Speaking of being gone, we're leaving REALLY SOON! We fly out of Schiphol on the 8th and get to SLC at a very very very late hour. We have a 7 1/2 hour layover in Houston. Does anyone know of anything interesting to do around the airport there?

  • I found a sewing basket jam packed full of stuff at the thrift store today for €3.75 so I snatched it up. I always think that it's interesting to go through other peoples sewing goodies. I'll keep some of it and pass on the rest. I haven't decided if I'll keep the basket. I'm thinking no, but I might change my mind!

  • I love strawberry season. The little teeny ones are so so freaking good that it makes me never want to eat tasteless out of season ones.

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