Sunday, May 16, 2010

Friday Fragments- The Late Edition

Today's Friday Fragments is brought to you by the letters I and P. I for Imagine and P for Pretend that it is still Friday!

I've not gotten home until after 1 AM the past two days and by that point, blogging isn't on the top of the list... HOWEVER! I had really good reasons for irresponsibly staying out so late! Friday night we went to a Hayseed Dixie (imagine AC/DC in bluegrass) concert. Near the end the cigarette smoke was getting to me and I went outside and sat in the fresh air for the last 3 or 4 songs. There is a smoking ban in public places here, but a lot of people just ignore it and that just pisses me off. I did have an awesome time though and I'm glad we went. I think Martijn had a blast too and that made me happy.

One weird thing that happened at the end of the concert... I was waiting for Martijn by the door since I'd been outside, and some guy started hitting on me and asked me out for pizza. I was like "Uh, no, I'm waiting for my husband!" He asked me about three times if I was sure, so I guess you have to give him credit for persistence. It was so weird!

The other late night adventure was going to visit my sweet friend Lori and her husband. They were staying in a vacation bungalow a little less than an hour from here and since that's much closer than we usually are to each other we drove over and hung out. I told them about the aforementioned pizza incident and over the course of the evening it morphed into some sort of dirty euphemism. I love that my friends have the same sort of warped sense of humor as me!

Martijn invented a nice recipe for fish this week. He mixed some cream cheese, dill, lemon juice, a pinch of salt and freshly grated parmesan cheese and spread it over the fish. It was really good. We had it twice and will probably eat it again next week!

It's asparagus season so as you drive around you see many fields that look like this:

Asparagus Fields

They mound dirt over it and cover it with the tarps so that it doesn't get any sun. Since it can't produce chlorophyll without sun, it stays white. I do like white asparagus, but I think I prefer green and it's harder to find and stupid expensive here. I have my fingers tightly crossed that the cooler temperatures and SNOW in Utah have kept it from coming up too fast and there will still be some delicious in-season green asparagus when I get home next month.

I've been thinking about doing a potluck birthday party in Utah since I'll actually be there for the first time in ages. I really just want to see lots of people and a party seems like a good means of doing so... I'm terribly sneaky!

I shall leave you with a picture of the lovely roses Martijn gave me last weekend.


Thanks Mrs4444 for hosting our weekly brain dumps!
Mommy's Idea
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