The Challenge:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).
Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple challenges such as New Year's resolutions or a 'Bucket List'. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips, study semesters, or outdoor activities.
This list of 101 goals was started Mar 29, 2011 and is scheduled to finish Dec 25, 2013
I've broken my list into vaguely formed categories and I'll make a tab in the navigation bar with an updated "Master List" of my progress.
Bloggy Related
1- Post my menu every week for 6 months
2- Do 3 tutorials on my blog
3- Finish blog re-design
4- Set up categories and tags and "index" all blog posts
5- Blog everyday for a month straight
6- Post monthly updates about 101 project on my blog
7- Participate in 5 o'clock Fridays every week for 3 months straight
Food & Cooking
8- Try cooking with almond flour
9- Make homemade corn tortillas
10- Try 10 new cooking "techniques"
11- Try 5 new foods
12- Make sourdough bread from scratch (including the starter)
13- Buy a cheesemaking kit and make 3 types of cheese
14- Make homemade ketchup
15- Have a meatless meal for dinner at least once a week
16- Make 15 recipes with Jello in them
17- Try cooking rabbit
18- Participate in at least 10 of the next 12 Daring Cooks challenges
19- Make a custom recipe book
20- Do all of my food shopping at the market for 2 weeks (nothing from the grocery store)
21- Have a tea party
22- Buy a contact grill (thrifted if possible)
Health & Fitness
23- Get up before 8 a.m. everyday for a month
24- Take a yoga class
25- Go on a 30km bike ride without dying
26- Do the 30-Day Shred
27- Do the 200 sit-ups challenge
28- Drink 2 litres of water a day for a month
29- Get contacts
30- Get my wisdom teeth pulled
31- Sign up to be an organ donor
32- Go to the doctor and do something about my hairloss
Sewing, Crafting, & Making
33- Sew 5 new shirts for myself
34- Make a new purse
35- Use up at least 3 pieces of fabric from my stash
36- Crochet a pair of slippers
37- Make an underwear pattern and some new undies
38- Make 10 projects from my retro craft books
39- Make and drop a toy for the Toy Society
40- Make a long pointy elf hat with a huge pom-pom on the end
41- Make a t-shirt rug
42- Make a denim rag quilt
43- Make mini "emergency" kits for purses
44- Make significant progress on my cat & sewing machine cross stitch (at least 1/4)
45- Make some fabric shopping bags
46- Make 10 new Christmas ornaments
47- Make a new wallet
48- Do a painting workshop at the Delft Factory
49- Make a birthday calendar of close friends and family and send cards
50- Make a photobook for my mom
Photography Related
51- Do the 100 snapshots project
52- Take a photo of the same place every month for a year and then turn it into a calendar for the next year
53- Make or buy a light tent/box
54- Have a family portrait taken
Places to Go & Things to See
55- Visit 5 new museums
56- Visit Mount Rushmore
57- Visit a castle
58- Visit the Badlands
59- Visit a zoo I've not been to before
60- Visit the Dr. A. F. Phillips Obervatory
61- Visit the button store in Amsterdam
62- Check out the local Stitch 'n Bitch group
63- Take a road trip
64- Go to the Apenheul
65- Go to the Albert Cuyp Markt in Amsterdam
Moolah Related
66- Save €10 for every task completed
67- Save €100 in €2 coins
68- Save €100 in €1 coins
69- Sell 10 sock monkeys
70- Re-open my etsy shop
71- Throw away, donate, or sell 50 things
72- Start a price book for groceries
73- Sell my extra sewing machines
Education-esque Things
74- Study up on European Geography (especially Eastern Europe)
75- Do the w3schools CSS tutorial
76- Take another Dutch course of some kind
77- Read every book that has won an Newbery Medal
78- Become a Dutch Citizen
79- Vote in a Dutch election
Organization & Household Chores
80- Finish clearing out my stuff from my parents house
81- Organize my craft cupboards
82- Shred and discard old un-needed paperwork and find a workable storage solution for the rest
83- Organize photo collection
84- Assemble 72-hour kits for the family
85- Paint the bathroom
Nice Things for Others
86- Get up and make Martijn breakfast everyday for 3 weeks on the weekdays
87- Make 10 "quiet books" for Humanitarian Aid
88- Send a random someone a care package
Just for Fun
89- Get a cool basket for my bike
90- Buy a piece of art from an Art-o-Mat machine
91- Do a big jigsaw puzzle
92- Have a picnic in a park
93- Host a game night for friends
94- Replay all of the King's Quest games
95- Participate in a quiz team
96- Finish watching the final season of Battlestar Galactica
97- Get a manicure
98- Go to a dinner theatre show
99- Have a font made with my handwriting
100- Try Letterboxing
101- Go to the taping of a TV show