- The monkey project continues. We're going to the store tomorrow to purchase eyes. Five are done and waiting for the eyes and I'll just pick up some that I think will work for the others!
- On Wednesday we went out for dinner and had pannekoeken, which translates as pancakes... however, they're REALLY not like thick fluffy American pancakes. They're flat and more crepe-like and you sortof choose toppings like you do a pizza. I had ham and pineapple pannekoek, and Martijn had salami and peppers. You can also get the sweet ones, but since I was dinner we went for something a little more savory. It was a nice treat.
- At my volunteer job today we decided to do an "art" project. I drew a tree trunk on a piece of posterboard and gathered up some of the fallen leaves from outside. Then we helped the residents stick the leaves on to make a tree. It actually turned out pretty cute, though it did reaffirm my belief that I'm not meant to be a master artist in the field of drawing.
- I've been pretty uninspired in the cooking department lately. I think maybe I need to join up in some sort of challenge like when I did the Food Network Chefs Cooking Challenge. I had fun with that and it made me try new things! I might need to poke around the internets and see if anyone is doing something like that.
- I got a letter from the IND saying that they were processing my application for citizenship. They say they hope they'll have an answer for me by the end of July. JULY?! Really?! I hope I'll have it on my birthday in June cause that would be an awesome present.
- As usual, I FORGOT my 5 o'clock Friday picture. I'm so ashamed. But go check out my pal Lori's blog and visit the people who DID remember!
Enjoy your weekend and make sure to swing by
Half Past Kissin' Time and tell our wonderful Mrs 4444 how awesome she is, because she IS! I'm going to carry on monkeying around...