Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Market in Aachen, Germany

On the 11th I went to a Christmas Market in Aachen (Germany) with one of my awesome friends here. Her parents are from Germany originally which was cool because she explained a lot of the "traditional" things to me that I might not have gotten otherwise. It was a blast, and now I'm going to spam you with pictures!

This is the big sign announcing the market. I mean, it's not like you could MISS the market, but I did like the giant cookies standing on the sides.
Christmas Market Aachen

These are the roofs of some of the stalls in a TINY section of the market. This thing was huge I'm telling you!
Stall-tops at the Christmas Market

We were right by a huge cathedral. I wish I would've snooped around it a little more and gotten some better pictures but I was distracted by all of the shiny Christmas things.
Christmas Market Aachen

Here are a couple more with various stalls and people milling about.
Christmas Market Aachen

Christmas Market Aachen

Now for some of the goodies INSIDE the stalls!

Growing up we always had an awesome Christmas village. I don't have anything here, but I think I'm going to need to start my own small collection. It doesn't feel like Christmas without. There were some little cheapie pieces and also some pieces that were up into the several hundred euro range. I was drooling, but decided maybe I shouldn't blow our entire mortgage payment on a tiny house that you can't even live in!
Christmas Villages Stall

There were gobs of ornament stalls. I liked this one because they had them all out in little bowls and they looked so pretty!
Ornaments Galore!

The candy stalls smelled SO good. I just wanted to hang a piece of cotton candy from my nose and smell it the rest of the day.
Candies and Cookies

Martijn thinks I took this picture to torment him (he has this THING about roosters), but I thought the colors were fantastic.
Christmas Market Aachen

I thought this little hedgehog was cool. His spikes are just little branches that have been cut off at an angle. Very clever.
Silly Wooden Hedgehog

This doily stand was amazing. They had these teeny little lace parasols and I was so tempted to buy one for one of my sock monkeys! I kept my wallet in my pocket though and continued on...
Doily Stand

I really should've bought this! I could've used the witch and the cat in some sort of project I'm sure. It totally cracked me up. If I see one next year I'm snapping it up.
Witch Gingerbread House

This wasn't actually in the market, but in a shop window nearby. I want a Christmas tree full of tiny knit sweaters, don't you?
Funny Little Sweaters!

Visit Unknown Mami for more Sundays in My City (or someone else's as the case may be).

Unknown Mami


Unknown said...

Oh my word! I love the Christmas market! How fun! And what a great place for pictures. I am totally in love with that clever hedgehog. So cute! I also love the doilies! Very sweet!

Lori said...

I love this market and want to go there NOW. Beautiful pics! I love going places with you!

viridian said...

found you through sundays in my city. great photos! I would have spent many many euros in that market (how many euros to the dollar? Oh never mind.)

brainella said...

I think I'm going to Germany next year just to visit this place! Wow. What amazing stuff. This would be SO much fun.

And I love the smell of cotton candy too. It always smells better than it tastes, though.

Joanna Jenkins said...

What an AWE-SOME Market!!!!! I could spend a week in a place like this-- and not just at the stalls with sweets :-) It's looks like a fun and magical place loaded with goodies of all shapes and kinds. Thanks for sharing your city!

Have a great week.

Claudya Martinez said...

That was so much fun, I'm giddy. I love all of it and the tiny sweaters are too much (in a good way)!

Amy said...

I love that you wanted to hang cotton candy from your nose. So funny! There were some amazing things there. Again, you have made me jealous.

Sonya said...

Great photos!! We missed out on going this year. My husband was crazy swamped at work but next year we are going no matter what. I always wanted a christmas village but cant seem to part with the

Noodle said...

That looks like so much fun... I love shopping at out door markets and fairs... I don't buy much but it's so fun to see what is out there and get fun ideas...

Wizardress said...

It looks like y'all had a blast. I soo wish I'd gone with y'all. I bet it was much more fun than HOliday on Ice heheh.. *hugs*

michelle said...

Very festive and filled with holiday cheer. Lovely picts

Carol said...

You're pictures are awesome. I think we all get so caught up in our own little worlds it's really fun to see what others are seeing.

Spotted Sparrow said...

You came to Aachen and didn't even say hello???? Next time let me know you're coming and I'll buy you a Glühwein! ;-)

4 Lettre Words said...

So, so amazing, Kim!! I am VERY jealous.

Smellyann said...

That looks so awesome. I want to go there with you! ;)

BLOGitse said...

Hahah, I've been to Aachen once!
Looks funny to see pics here... :)

Sunny SITS greetings from Cairo and
Happy holidays!

Anonymous said...

It looks like a great event to visit.

Stopping by from SITS!

Mrs4444 said...

My niece made little sweater ornaments for everyone last year-they were adorable, but I wouldn't want a tree FULL of them.

I really enjoyed this post, most likely because I am part-German. Very interesting and beautiful pics.

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