Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Month of Monkeys: Day 23

Okay, today I am cheating a little bit. It is 95 billionty degrees outside and I spent my monkey sewing time unearthing the airco and getting it set up. Instead I am going to show you something else rather special! This is a sock monkey that my mom's grandmother made in the late 1950s for the grandkids to play with when they visited her. He was in really rough shape when he resurfaced from storage. He was filthy and full of holes. My mom said she thought he probably had kittens born on him at some point in his life and it looked to me like a mouse decided to eat part of his shirt. She gave him a bath and repaired him and I think he looks brilliant. I decided he needed to be called Grandpa Monkey. I love his sculpted face! And it's proof positive that monkey making is in my blood!

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