My favorite thing in the museum was a section of four rowhouses from Tilburg. Each house was dedicated to a certain time period from 1860-1970. If you know me at all, you'll figure out that the BEST one was from the 70s because it was full of orangey goodness!
This visit also began the nearly three year long quest for the sewing machine of my dreams. For starters, this is the sewing machine model that I learned to sew on so it was a bit of nostalgia. Secondly... it's ORANGE! Seriously, how could I not desperately want one for my own?
I begged Martijn to let me steal it, but he's a bit of a party pooper so he told me no. I think he was just having his revenge because I'd told him he couldn't steal a Commodore 64 from a museum we'd gone to in the US.
They're seriously tricky to find, and after a seriously botched attempt to buy one from a crazy flaky lady I finally finally found one for my very own!
It doesn't have the orange extension table like the one at the museum did, but I can live with that. JOY!
When we were trying to think of a good thing for the "O" post, Martijn was reading the dictionary and came across oelewapper, which is a rather outdated term for nincompoop. I think it's absolutely hilarious!
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