Yes, that's a nasty crack in my wheel. That's not the only place either, and unless you really have a death wish you don't really want to be biking on an aluminum wheel that's cracking all over the place.
I ordered a new one last Tuesday that should have only taken a couple of days to come in but when we finally went back to the bike shop to ask about it they still didn't have it. Their supplier sent the wrong wheel... TWICE. If I'm lucky I'll have the right one on Tuesday.
Since I couldn't figure out how to ride a one-wheeler unicycle bike, I failed at my attempt to bike 400km in June.
I did pretty well though... all things considered.
337.28km is certainly not shabby, but it's not 400.
If my new wheel ever comes, maybe I'll try again in July.
This rather late F is for Failure post is part of Mrs. Matlock's fantastic AlphabeThursday.